Wikcionário:Entradas requisitadas/en/M-m
Esta lista é baseada em diversas fontes e não se refere a nenhum dicionário específico.
- M
- M.A.
- M.B.A.
- M.D.
- m
- ma, mas
- MA, MAs
- ma'am
- mac, macs
- macabre
- macaroni
- macaroon, macaroons
- Mace
- mace, maces
- machete
- machete, machetes
- machine gun
- machine, machines, machining, machined
- machinery
- machinist
- machinist, machinists
- macho
- macintosh, macintoshes
- mackerel
- mackerel, mackerels
- mackintosh, mackintoshes
- macro
- macrocosm
- mad, madder, maddest
- madam
- madden, maddens, maddening, maddened
- maddening
- maddeningly
- made
- madhouse
- madhouse, madhouses
- madly
- madman
- madman, madmen
- madness
- Madonna, Madonnas
- madrigal, madrigals
- madwoman, madwomen
- maelstrom
- maestro, maestros
- Mafia
- mag, mags
- magazine
- magazine, magazines
- magenta
- maggot
- maggot, maggots
- Magic Marker
- magic
- magic, magics, magicking, magicked
- magical
- magically
- magician
- magician, magicians
- magistrate
- magistrate, magistrates
- magnanimity
- magnanimous
- magnate
- magnate, magnates
- magnesium
- magnet, magnets
- magnetic tape
- magnetic
- magnetism
- magnetize
- magnetize, magnetizes, magnetizing, magnetized
- magnification, magnifications
- magnificence
- magnificent
- magnificently
- magnify
- magnify, magnifies, magnifying, magnified
- magnifying glass
- magnitude
- magnolia
- magnolia, magnolias
- magnum, magnums
- magpie
- magpie, magpies
- maharaja, maharajas
- mah-jong, mah-jongg
- mahogany
- maid of honor
- maid
- maid, maids
- maiden name
- maiden voyage
- maiden
- maiden, maidens
- mail order
- mail, mails, mailing, mailed
- mailbag, mailbags
- mailbox
- mailbox, mailboxes
- mailing list
- mailing
- mailman
- mailman, mailmen
- maim
- maim, maims, maiming, maimed
- main drag
- main
- main, mains
- mainframe
- mainframe, mainframes
- mainland
- mainline, mainlines, mainlining, mainlined
- mainly
- mainstay
- mainstay, mainstays
- mainstream
- maintain
- maintain, maintains, maintaining, maintained
- maintenance man
- maintenance
- maisonette, maisonettes
- majestic
- majestically
- majesty
- majesty, majesties
- major
- major, majors, majoring, majored
- major-domo, major-domos
- majorette, majorettes
- major-general, major-generals
- majority
- majority, majorities
- major-league
- majorly
- make
- make, makes, making, made
- make-believe
- maker
- maker, makers
- makeshift
- makeup
- make-weight, make-weights
- making
- making, makings
- maladjustment, maladjustments
- malady
- malady, maladies
- malaise
- malaria
- Malay, Malays
- malcontent, malcontents
- male chauvinism
- male chauvinist
- male
- male, males
- malefactor, malefactors
- malevolence
- malevolent
- malformation, malformations
- malfunction
- malfunction, malfunctions, malfunctioning, malfunctioned
- malice
- malicious
- maliciously
- malign
- malign, maligns, maligning, maligned
- malignancy
- malignant
- malinger, malingers, malingering, malingered
- malingerer, malingerers
- mall
- mall, malls
- mallard
- mallard, mallards
- mallet
- mallet, mallets
- malnourished
- malnutrition
- malpractice
- malpractice, malpractices
- malt
- malted milk
- maltreat, maltreats, maltreating, maltreated
- mam, mams
- mama
- mama, mamas
- mamba, mambas
- mamma, mammas
- mammal
- mammal, mammals
- mammoth
- mammoth, mammoths
- mammy, mammies
- man
- man, men, mans, manning, manned
- manacle
- manacle, manacles, manacling, manacled
- manage
- manage, manages, managing, managed
- manageable
- management
- management, managements
- manager
- manager, managers
- manageress, manageresses
- managerial
- Mandarin Chinese
- mandarin orange
- Mandarin
- mandarin
- mandarin, mandarins
- mandate
- mandate, mandates
- mandatory
- mandible, mandibles
- mandolin, mandolins
- mandrake, mandrakes
- mandrill, mandrills
- mane
- mane, manes
- man-eater, man-eaters
- maneuver
- maneuvers
- mange
- manger
- manger, mangers
- mangle
- mangle, mangles, mangling, mangled
- mango
- mango, mangoes, mangos
- mangrove
- mangrove, mangroves
- mangy
- mangy, mangier, mangiest
- manhandle
- manhandle, manhandles, manhandling, manhandled
- manhole
- manhole, manholes
- manhood
- man-hour, man-hours
- manhunt
- manhunt, manhunts
- mania
- mania, manias
- maniac
- maniac, maniacs
- maniacal
- manic
- manic-depressive, manic-depressives
- manicure
- manicure, manicures, manicuring, manicured
- manicurist
- manicurist, manicurists
- manifest
- manifest, manifests, manifesting, manifested
- manifestation
- manifestation, manifestations
- manifesto
- manifesto, manifestos, manifestoes
- manifold
- manipulate
- manipulate, manipulates, manipulating, manipulated
- manipulation
- manipulative
- manipulator, manipulators
- mankind
- manliness
- manly
- manly, manlier, manliest
- man-made
- manned
- mannequin
- mannequin, mannequins
- manner
- manner, manners
- mannerism
- mannerism, mannerisms
- manners
- mannish
- manoeuvre, manoeuvres, manoeuvring, manoeuvred
- manoeuvring, manoeuvrings
- manor
- manor, manors
- manpower
- manse, manses
- manservant, menservants
- mansion
- mansion, mansions
- manslaughter
- mantel
- mantel, mantels
- mantelpiece
- mantelpiece, mantelpieces
- mantelshelf, mantelshelves
- mantis, mantises
- mantle
- mantle, mantles
- mantra
- manual
- manual, manuals
- manually
- manufacture
- manufacture, manufactures, manufacturing, manufactured
- manufacturer
- manufacturer, manufacturers
- manufacturing
- manure
- manuscript
- manuscript, manuscripts
- many
- Maori
- map
- map, maps, mapping, mapped
- maple
- maple, maples
- Mar.
- mar
- mar, mars, marring, marred
- marathon
- marathon, marathons
- marauder, marauders
- marble
- marble, marbles
- marbles
- March
- march
- march, marches, marching, marched
- marcher, marchers
- marchioness, marchionesses
- Mardi Gras
- mare
- mare, mares
- margarine
- margin of error
- margin
- margin, margins
- marginal
- marginal, marginals
- marginally
- marigold, marigolds
- marijuana
- marina
- marina, marinas
- marinade
- marinade, marinades, marinading, marinaded
- marinate
- marinate, marinates, marinating, marinated
- Marine Corps
- Marine
- marine
- marine, marines
- mariner
- mariner, mariners
- marionette
- marionette, marionettes
- marital status
- marital
- maritime
- mark
- mark, marks, marking, marked
- markdown
- mark-down, mark-downs
- marked
- marker
- marker, markers
- market research
- market
- market, markets, marketing, marketed
- marketability
- marketable
- marketer
- marketing
- marketplace
- marketplace, marketplaces
- marking
- marking, markings
- marksman
- marksman, marksmen
- markup
- mark-up, mark-ups
- marmalade
- marmoset, marmosets
- maroon
- maroon, maroons, marooning, marooned
- marooned
- marquee
- marquee, marquees
- marquis, marquises
- marriage
- marriage, marriages
- married
- marrow
- marrow, marrows
- marry
- marry, marries, marrying, married
- Mars
- marsh
- marsh, marshes
- marshal
- marshal, marshals, marshalling, marshalled
- marshland, marshlands
- marshmallow
- marshmallow, marshmallows
- marshy
- marshy, marshier, marshiest
- marsupial
- marsupial, marsupials
- mart
- mart, marts
- marten, martens
- martial art
- martial law
- martial
- Martian
- Martian, Martians
- martin, martins
- martinet, martinets
- martyr
- martyr, martyrs, martyring, martyred
- martyrdom
- marvel
- marvel, marvels, marvelling, marvelled
- marvelous
- Marxism
- Marxist
- Marxist, Marxists
- masc.
- mascara
- mascot
- mascot, mascots
- masculine
- masculinity
- mash
- mash, mashes, mashing, mashed
- mask
- mask, masks, masking, masked
- masking tape
- masochism
- masochist
- masochist, masochists
- masochistic
- Mason
- mason
- mason, masons
- masonry
- masquerade
- masquerade, masquerades, masquerading, masqueraded
- mass media
- mass production
- Mass
- mass
- mass, masses, massing, massed
- massacre
- massacre, massacres, massacring, massacred
- massage
- massage, massages, massaging, massaged
- masses
- masseur
- masseur, masseurs
- masseuse
- masseuse, masseuses
- massif, massifs
- massive
- mass-produce
- mass-produce, mass-produces, mass-producing, mass-produced
- mast
- mast, masts
- mastectomy, mastectomies
- master key
- master of ceremonies
- master plan
- master
- master, masters, mastering, mastered
- masterful
- mastermind
- mastermind, masterminds, masterminding, masterminded
- masterpiece
- masterpiece, masterpieces
- master's degree
- masterstroke, masterstrokes
- mastery
- masthead, mastheads
- masticate, masticates, masticating, masticated
- mastiff, mastiffs
- masturbate
- masturbate, masturbates, masturbating, masturbated
- masturbation
- mat
- mat, mats
- matador, matadors
- match
- match, matches, matching, matched
- matchbook
- matchbox
- matchbox, matchboxes
- matchless
- matchmaker
- matchmaker, matchmakers
- matchmaking
- matchstick
- matchstick, matchsticks
- mate
- mate, mates, mating, mated
- material
- material, materials
- materialism
- materialist
- materialist, materialists
- materialistic
- materialize
- materialize, materializes, materializing, materialized
- maternal
- maternity
- math
- mathematical
- mathematically
- mathematician
- mathematician, mathematicians
- mathematics
- matinee
- matinee, matinees
- matriarch
- matriarch, matriarchs
- matriarchal
- matriarchy
- matriarchy, matriarchies
- matriculate
- matriculate, matriculates, matriculating, matriculated
- matrimonial
- matrimony
- matrix, matrices
- matron of honor
- matron
- matron, matrons
- matronly
- matte
- matted
- matter
- matter, matters, mattering, mattered
- matting
- mattock, mattocks
- mattress
- mattress, mattresses
- mature
- mature, matures, maturing, matured, maturer, maturest
- maturity
- maudlin
- maul
- maul, mauls, mauling, mauled
- Mauritian, Mauritians
- mausoleum
- mausoleum, mausoleums
- mauve
- mauve, mauves
- maverick
- maverick, mavericks
- maw, maws
- mawkish
- max.
- max
- maxim
- maxim, maxims
- maximize
- maximize, maximizes, maximizing, maximized
- maximum
- May Day
- May
- may
- maybe
- mayday
- mayday, maydays
- mayfly, mayflies
- mayhem
- mayo
- mayonnaise
- mayor
- mayor, mayors
- mayoress, mayoresses
- maze
- maze, mazes
- MB
- MC, MCs
- McCoy
- MD, MDs
- me
- meadow
- meadow, meadows
- meager
- meal
- meal, meals
- mealtime
- mealtime, mealtimes
- mealy, mealier, mealiest
- mealy-mouthed
- mean
- mean, means, meaning, meant
- meander
- meander, meanders, meandering, meandered
- meanie, meanies
- meaning
- meaning, meanings
- meaningful
- meaningfully
- meaningless
- means
- meant
- meantime
- meanwhile
- measles
- measly
- measly, measlier, measliest
- measurable
- measure
- measure, measures, measuring, measured
- measurement
- measurement, measurements
- measuring cup
- meat
- meat, meats
- meatball
- meatloaf
- meaty
- meaty, meatier, meatiest
- Mecca
- mecca
- mecca, meccas
- mechanic
- mechanic, mechanics
- mechanical
- mechanically
- mechanics
- mechanism
- mechanism, mechanisms
- mechanization
- mechanize
- mechanize, mechanizes, mechanizing, mechanized
- med
- medal
- medal, medals
- medalist
- medallion
- medallion, medallions
- medallist, medallists
- meddle
- meddle, meddles, meddling, meddled
- meddler
- meddler, meddlers
- meddlesome
- media
- median
- mediate
- mediate, mediates, mediating, mediated
- mediation
- mediator
- mediator, mediators
- medic, medics
- Medicaid
- medical examiner
- medical
- medical, medicals
- medically
- medicament, medicaments
- Medicare
- medicated
- medication
- medication, medications
- medicinal
- medicine
- medicine, medicines
- medieval
- mediocre
- mediocrity
- mediocrity, mediocrities
- meditate
- meditate, meditates, meditating, meditated
- meditation
- meditation, meditations
- Mediterranean
- medium
- medium, mediums, media
- medley
- medley, medleys
- meek
- meek, meeker, meekest
- meekly
- meekness
- meet
- meet, meets, met
- meeting
- meeting, meetings
- meetinghouse
- meg
- megabyte
- megalith, megaliths
- megalomania
- megalomaniac
- megalomaniac, megalomaniacs
- megaphone
- megaphone, megaphones
- megaton
- megaton, megatons
- melancholic, melancholics
- melancholy
- meld
- melee
- melee, melees
- mellow
- mellow, mellower, mellowest, mellows, mellowing, mellowed
- melodic
- melodious
- melodrama
- melodrama, melodramas
- melodramatic
- melody
- melody, melodies
- melon
- melon, melons
- melt
- melt, melts, melted, molten, melting
- meltdown
- melting pot
- member
- member, members
- membership
- membrane
- membrane, membranes
- memento
- memento, mementos, mementoes
- memo
- memo, memos
- memoir, memoirs
- memoirs
- memorabilia
- memorable
- memorably
- memoranda
- memorandum
- memorandum, memoranda
- Memorial Day
- memorial
- memorial, memorials
- memorize
- memorize, memorizes, memorizing, memorized
- memory
- memory, memories
- memsahib, memsahibs
- men
- menace
- menace, menaces, menacing, menaced
- menacing
- menage, menages
- menagerie
- menagerie, menageries
- mend
- mend, mends, mending, mended
- menial
- menial, menials
- meningitis
- menopause
- menorah
- men's room
- menstrual
- menstruate
- menstruate, menstruates, menstruating, menstruated
- menstruation
- mental
- mentality
- mentality, mentalities
- mentally
- menthol
- mention
- mention, mentions, mentioning, mentioned
- mentor
- mentor, mentors
- menu
- menu, menus
- meow
- mercenary
- mercenary, mercenaries
- merchandise
- merchant
- merchant, merchants
- merciful
- mercifully
- merciless
- mercilessly
- Mercury
- mercury
- mercy killing
- mercy
- mercy, mercies
- mere
- mere, merest
- merely
- merge
- merge, merges, merging, merged
- merger
- merger, mergers
- meridian
- meridian, meridians
- meringue
- meringue, meringues
- merit
- merit, merits, meriting, merited
- meritocracy, meritocracies
- mermaid
- mermaid, mermaids
- merrily
- merriment
- merry
- merry, merrier, merriest
- merry-go-round
- merry-go-round, merry-go-rounds
- mesh
- mesh, meshes, meshing, meshed
- mesmerize
- mesmerize, mesmerizes, mesmerizing, mesmerized
- mess hall
- mess
- mess, messes, messing, messed
- message
- message, messages
- messenger
- messenger, messengers
- Messiah
- messiah, messiahs
- Messrs.
- mess-up, mess-ups
- messy
- messy, messier, messiest
- met
- metabolic
- metabolism
- metabolism, metabolisms
- metal
- metal, metals
- metallic
- metallurgist
- metallurgist, metallurgists
- metallurgy
- metamorphose, metamorphoses, metamorphosing, metamorphosed
- metamorphoses
- metamorphosis
- metamorphosis, metamorphoses
- metaphor
- metaphor, metaphors
- metaphorical
- metaphorically
- metaphysical
- metaphysics
- mete
- mete, metes, meting, meted
- meteor
- meteor, meteors
- meteoric
- meteorite
- meteorite, meteorites
- meteorological
- meteorologist
- meteorology
- meter maid
- meter
- meter, meters, metering, metered
- methadone
- methane
- methink, methinks, methought
- method
- method, methods
- methodical
- methodically
- Methodist
- Methodist, Methodists
- methodological
- methodology
- methodology, methodologies
- meticulous
- meticulously
- metier, metiers
- metre, metres
- metric system
- metric
- metro
- metro, metros
- metronome, metronomes
- metropolis
- metropolis, metropolises
- metropolitan
- metropolitan, metropolitans
- mettle
- mew, mews, mewing, mewed
- Mexican
- Mexican, Mexicans
- mezzanine
- mezzanine, mezzanines
- mezzo, mezzos
- mezzo-soprano, mezzo-sopranos
- mg
- mi.
- miaow, miaows, miaowing, miaowed
- miasma, miasmas
- mice
- micro, micros
- microbe
- microbe, microbes
- microbiology
- microchip
- microchip, microchips
- micro-computer, micro-computers
- microcosm
- microcosm, microcosms
- microelectronic, microelectronics
- microfiche
- microfiche, microfiches
- microfilm
- microfilm, microfilms, microfilming, microfilmed
- microorganism
- micro-organism, micro-organisms
- microphone
- microphone, microphones
- microprocessor
- microprocessor, microprocessors
- microscope
- microscope, microscopes
- microscopic
- microsecond, microseconds
- microwave
- microwave, microwaves
- midair
- midday
- middle age
- Middle Ages
- Middle America
- middle class
- Middle East
- middle name
- middle school
- middle
- middle, middles
- middle-aged
- middlebrow, middlebrows
- middleman
- middleman, middlemen
- middle-of-the-road
- midge, midges
- midget
- midget, midgets
- midnight
- midpoint, midpoints
- midriff
- midriff, midriffs
- midst
- midsummer
- midterm
- midway
- midweek
- Midwest
- Midwestern
- midwife
- midwife, midwives
- midwinter
- midwives
- miffed
- might
- mighty
- mighty, mightier, mightiest
- migraine
- migraine, migraines
- migrant
- migrant, migrants
- migrate
- migrate, migrates, migrating, migrated
- migration
- migratory
- mike
- mike, mikes
- mild
- mild, milder, mildest
- mildew
- mildly
- mildness
- mile
- mile, miles
- mileage
- mileage, mileages
- milepost, mileposts
- miles
- milestone
- milestone, milestones
- milieu
- milieu, milieux, milieus
- militancy
- militant
- militant, militants
- militarism
- military
- militate
- militate, militates, militating, militated
- militia
- militia, militias
- militiaman, militiamen
- milk chocolate
- milk shake
- milk
- milk, milks, milking, milked
- milkmaid, milkmaids
- milkman
- milkman, milkmen
- milk-shake, milk-shakes
- Milky Way
- milky
- milky, milkier, milkiest
- mill
- mill, mills, milling, milled
- millennia
- millennium
- millennium, millennia, millenniums
- miller, millers
- milligram
- milligram, milligrams
- milliliter
- millilitre, millilitres
- millimeter
- millimetre, millimetres
- milliner
- milliner, milliners
- millinery
- million
- million, millions
- millionaire
- millionaire, millionaires
- millionth
- millionth, millionths
- millipede, millipedes
- millstone, millstones
- mime
- mime, mimes, miming, mimed
- Mimeograph, Mimeographs, Mimeographing, Mimeographed
- mimic
- mimic, mimics, mimicking, mimicked
- mimicry
- min.
- minaret, minarets
- mince
- mince, minces, mincing, minced
- mincemeat
- mincer, mincers
- mind
- mind, minds, minding, minded
- mind-boggling
- minder, minders
- mindful
- mindless
- mine
- mine, mines, mining, mined
- minefield
- minefield, minefields
- miner
- miner, miners
- mineral water
- mineral
- mineral, minerals
- minesweeper, minesweepers
- mingle
- mingle, mingles, mingling, mingled
- mingy, mingier, mingiest
- mini
- mini, minis
- miniature
- miniature, miniatures
- miniaturize, miniaturizes, miniaturizing, miniaturized
- minibus, minibuses
- minicab, minicabs
- minim, minims
- minimal
- minimally
- minimize
- minimize, minimizes, minimizing, minimized
- minimum wage
- minimum
- mining
- minion, minions
- miniseries
- miniskirt
- mini-skirt, mini-skirts
- minister
- minister, ministers, ministering, ministered
- ministerial
- ministry
- ministry, ministries
- minivan
- mink
- mink, minks
- minnow
- minnow, minnows
- minor
- minor, minors
- minority
- minority, minorities
- minstrel
- minstrel, minstrels
- mint
- mint, mints, minting, minted
- minty
- minus sign
- minus
- minus, minusses, minuses
- minuscule
- minute
- minute, minutes, minuting, minuted, minutest
- minutes
- miracle
- miracle, miracles
- miraculous
- miraculously
- mirage
- mirage, mirages
- mire
- mirror
- mirror, mirrors, mirroring, mirrored
- mirth
- misadventure
- misadventure, misadventures
- misanthrope, misanthropes
- misapplication, misapplications
- misapply, misapplies, misapplying, misapplied
- misapprehend, misapprehends, misapprehending, misapprehended
- misapprehension, misapprehensions
- misappropriate
- misappropriate, misappropriates, misappropriating, misappropriated
- misappropriation
- misbecome, misbecame, misbecomes, misbecoming
- misbehave
- misbehave, misbehaves, misbehaving, misbehaved
- misbehavior
- misc.
- miscalculate
- miscalculate, miscalculates, miscalculating, miscalculated
- miscalculation
- miscarriage of justice
- miscarriage
- miscarriage, miscarriages
- miscarry
- miscarry, miscarries, miscarrying, miscarried
- miscast, miscasts, miscasting
- miscellaneous
- miscellany, miscellanies
- mischance, mischances
- mischief
- mischief-maker, mischief-makers
- mischievous
- mischievously
- misconception
- misconception, misconceptions
- misconduct
- misconstruction, misconstructions
- misconstrue
- misconstrue, misconstrues, misconstruing, misconstrued
- misdeal, misdeals, misdealt, misdealing
- misdeed, misdeeds
- misdemeanor
- misdemeanour, misdemeanours
- misdirect, misdirects, misdirecting, misdirected
- misdo, misdoes, misdid, misdone, misdoing
- miser
- miser, misers
- miserable
- miserably
- misery
- misery, miseries
- misfire, misfires, misfiring, misfired
- misfit
- misfit, misfits
- misfortune
- misfortune, misfortunes
- misgiving
- misgiving, misgivings
- misguided
- mishandle, mishandles, mishandling, mishandled
- mishap
- mishap, mishaps
- mishear, mishears, mishearing, misheard
- mishit, mishits, mishitting
- misinform
- misinform, misinforms, misinforming, misinformed
- misinterpret
- misinterpret, misinterprets, misinterpreting, misinterpreted
- misinterpretation
- misjudge
- misjudge, misjudges, misjudging, misjudged
- misjudgement, misjudgements
- misjudgment
- mislay, mislays, mislaying, mislaid
- mislead
- mislead, misleads, misleading, misled
- misleading
- misled
- mismanage
- mismanage, mismanages, mismanaging, mismanaged
- mismanagement
- mismatch
- misnomer
- misnomer, misnomers
- misogynist
- misogynist, misogynists
- misogyny
- misplace
- misplaced
- misprint
- misprint, misprints
- mispronounce
- mispronounce, mispronounces, mispronouncing, mispronounced
- mispronunciation
- mispronunciation, mispronunciations
- misquote
- misquote, misquotes, misquoting, misquoted
- misread
- misread, misreads, misreading
- misreading
- misrepresent
- misrepresent, misrepresents, misrepresenting, misrepresented
- misrepresentation
- misrule, misrules, misruling, misruled
- Miss
- miss
- miss, misses, missing, missed
- missile
- missile, missiles
- missing
- mission
- mission, missions
- missionary
- missionary, missionaries
- missive, missives
- misspell
- misspell, misspells, misspelling, misspelled, misspelt
- misspelling
- misspend, misspends, misspending, misspent
- misspent
- misstep
- mist
- mist, mists, misting, misted
- mistake
- mistake, mistakes, mistaking, mistook, mistaken
- mistaken
- mistakenly
- mister
- mistime, mistimes, mistiming, mistimed
- mistletoe
- mistook
- mistreat
- mistreat, mistreats, mistreating, mistreated
- mistreatment
- mistress
- mistress, mistresses
- mistrial
- mistrust
- mistrust, mistrusts, mistrusting, mistrusted
- misty
- misty, mistier, mistiest
- misunderstand
- misunderstand, misunderstands, misunderstood
- misunderstanding
- misunderstanding, misunderstandings
- misunderstood
- misuse
- misuse, misuses, misusing, misused
- mite
- mite, mites
- mitigate
- mitigate, mitigates, mitigating, mitigated
- mitigating
- mitigation
- mitre, mitres
- mitt
- mitt, mitts
- mitten
- mitten, mittens
- mix
- mix, mixes, mixing, mixed
- mixed marriage
- mixed
- mixed-up
- mixer
- mixer, mixers
- mixture
- mixture, mixtures
- mix-up
- mix-up, mix-ups
- ml
- mm
- mnemonic, mnemonics
- mo.
- MO, MO's, MOs
- moan
- moan, moans, moaning, moaned
- moaner, moaners
- moat
- moat, moats
- mob
- mob, mobs, mobbing, mobbed
- mobile home
- mobile
- mobile, mobiles
- mobility
- mobilization
- mobilize
- mobilize, mobilizes, mobilizing, mobilized
- mobster, mobsters
- moccasin
- moccasin, moccasins
- mock
- mock, mocks, mocking, mocked
- mockery
- mockingbird
- mock-up, mock-ups
- mod, mods
- modal
- modal, modals
- mode
- mode, modes
- model
- model, models, modelling, modelled
- modeling
- modem
- moderate
- moderate, moderates, moderating, moderated
- moderately
- moderation
- moderator
- modern
- modernist, modernists
- modernity
- modernization
- modernize
- modernize, modernizes, modernizing, modernized
- modest
- modestly
- modesty
- modicum
- modification
- modification, modifications
- modifier
- modifier, modifiers
- modify
- modify, modifies, modifying, modified
- modular
- modulate
- modulate, modulates, modulating, modulated
- modulation
- module
- module, modules
- moggy, moggies
- mogul, moguls
- mohair
- Mohammedan, Mohammedans
- moist
- moist, moister, moistest
- moisten
- moisten, moistens, moistening, moistened
- moisture
- moisturizer
- molar
- molar, molars
- molasses
- mold
- molding
- moldy
- mole
- mole, moles
- molecular
- molecule
- molecule, molecules
- molehill, molehills
- molest
- molest, molests, molesting, molested
- molestation
- molester
- molester, molesters
- moll, molls
- mollify
- mollify, mollifies, mollifying, mollified
- mollusc, molluscs
- mollusk
- mollycoddle, mollycoddles, mollycoddling, mollycoddled
- molt
- molten
- mom
- mom, moms
- moment
- moment, moments
- momentarily
- momentary
- momentous
- momentum
- momma
- momma, mommas
- mommy
- Mon.
- monarch
- monarch, monarchs
- monarchist, monarchists
- monarchy
- monarchy, monarchies
- monastery
- monastery, monasteries
- monastic
- Monday
- Monday, Mondays
- monetarist, monetarists
- monetary
- money market
- money order
- money
- money-box, money-boxes
- moneylender, moneylenders
- money-maker, money-makers
- Mongol, Mongols
- Mongolian, Mongolians
- mongoose, mongooses
- mongrel
- mongrel, mongrels
- moniker
- monitor
- monitor, monitors, monitoring, monitored
- monk
- monk, monks
- monkey wrench
- monkey
- monkey, monkeys, monkeying, monkeyed
- mono
- monochrome
- monocle, monocles
- monogamous
- monogamy
- monogram
- monogram, monograms
- monogrammed
- monograph, monographs
- monolingual
- monolith
- monolith, monoliths
- monolithic
- monologue
- monologue, monologues
- mononucleosis
- monopolization
- monopolize
- monopolize, monopolizes, monopolizing, monopolized
- monopoly
- monopoly, monopolies
- monorail
- monorail, monorails
- monosyllable
- monosyllable, monosyllables
- monotone
- monotone, monotones
- monotonous
- monotonously
- monotony
- Monsignor, Monsignors
- monsoon
- monsoon, monsoons
- monster
- monster, monsters
- monstrosity
- monstrosity, monstrosities
- monstrous
- montage
- montage, montages
- month
- month, months
- monthly
- monthly, monthlies
- monument
- monument, monuments
- monumental
- moo
- moo, moos, mooing, mooed
- mooch
- mooch, mooches, mooching, mooched
- mood
- mood, moods
- moodily
- moodiness
- moody
- moody, moodier, moodiest
- moon
- moon, moons, mooning, mooned
- moonbeam
- moonbeam, moonbeams
- moonlight
- moonlight, moonlights, moonlighting, moonlighted
- moonlighting
- moonlit
- moor
- moor, moors, mooring, moored
- moorhen, moorhens
- mooring
- mooring, moorings
- moorland, moorlands
- moose
- moot
- mop
- mop, mops, mopping, mopped
- mope
- mope, mopes, moping, moped
- moped
- moped, mopeds
- moral support
- moral
- moral, morals
- morale
- moralist
- moralist, moralists
- moralistic
- morality
- morality, moralities
- moralize, moralizes, moralizing, moralized
- morally
- morals
- morass
- morass, morasses
- moratorium
- moratorium, moratoriums
- morbid
- more
- moreover
- mores
- morgue
- morgue, morgues
- Mormon
- Mormon, Mormons
- morn, morns
- morning sickness
- morning
- morning, mornings
- Moroccan, Moroccans
- moron
- moron, morons
- moronic
- morose
- morphine
- Morse code
- morsel
- morsel, morsels
- mortal
- mortal, mortals
- mortality
- mortally
- mortar
- mortar, mortars
- mortarboard
- mortarboard, mortarboards
- mortgage
- mortgage, mortgages, mortgaging, mortgaged
- mortician
- mortician, morticians
- mortification
- mortify
- mortify, mortifies, mortifying, mortified
- mortifying
- mortise, mortises
- mortuary
- mortuary, mortuaries
- mos.
- mosaic
- mosaic, mosaics
- mosey, moseys, moseying, moseyed
- mosque
- mosque, mosques
- mosquito
- mosquito, mosquitoes, mosquitos
- moss
- moss, mosses
- mossy
- mossy, mossier, mossiest
- most
- mostly
- motel
- motel, motels
- moth
- moth, moths
- mothball
- mothball, mothballs
- moth-eaten
- Mother Nature
- mother tongue
- mother
- mother, mothers, mothering, mothered
- motherboard
- motherfucker
- motherhood
- mother-in-law
- mother-in-law, mothers-in-law
- motherland, motherlands
- motherly
- Mother's Day
- mothers-in-law
- mother-to-be, mothers-to-be
- mother-tongue, mother-tongues
- motif
- motif, motifs
- motion picture
- motion
- motion, motions, motioning, motioned
- motionless
- motivate
- motivate, motivates, motivating, motivated
- motivated
- motivation
- motive
- motive, motives
- motley
- motor home
- motor vehicle
- motor
- motor, motors, motoring, motored
- motorbike
- motorbike, motorbikes
- motorboat
- motorboat, motorboats
- motorcade
- motorcade, motorcades
- motorcycle
- motorcycle, motorcycles
- motorcyclist
- motorcyclist, motorcyclists
- motorist
- motorist, motorists
- motorized
- motormouth
- motorway, motorways
- mottled
- motto
- motto, mottoes, mottos
- mould, moulds, moulding, moulded
- moulder, moulders, mouldering, mouldered
- moulding, mouldings
- mouldy, mouldier, mouldiest
- moult, moults, moulting, moulted
- mound
- mound, mounds
- Mount
- mount
- mount, mounts, mounting, mounted
- mountain bike
- mountain lion
- mountain
- mountain, mountains
- mountaineer
- mountaineer, mountaineers
- mountaineering
- mountainous
- mountainside
- mountainside, mountainsides
- mountebank, mountebanks
- mounted
- mounting
- mourn
- mourn, mourns, mourning, mourned
- mourner
- mourner, mourners
- mournful
- mournfully
- mourning
- mouse
- mouse, mice
- mouse-click, mouse-clicks
- mousetrap, mousetraps
- mousse
- moustache, moustaches
- mousy
- mousy, mousier, mousiest
- mouth
- mouth, mouths, mouthing, mouthed
- mouthful
- mouthful, mouthfuls
- mouthpiece
- mouthpiece, mouthpieces
- mouthwash
- mouthwash, mouthwashes
- mouth-watering
- movable
- move
- move, moves, moving, moved
- movement
- movement, movements
- movements
- mover
- mover, movers
- movie theater
- movie
- movie, movies
- moviegoer, moviegoers
- movies
- moving van
- moving
- mow
- mow, mows, mowing, mowed, mown
- mower
- mower, mowers
- mown
- MP, MPs
- mpg
- mph
- Mr.
- Mr, Messrs
- Mrs.
- Ms.
- MS
- Ms, Mse
- MSc, MScs
- Mt.
- Mt, Mts
- much
- muck
- muck, mucks, mucking, mucked
- muckraker, muckrakers
- mucky, muckier, muckiest
- mucous
- mucus
- mud
- muddle
- muddle, muddles, muddling, muddled
- muddled
- muddy
- muddy, muddier, muddiest, muddies, muddying, muddied
- mudflat, mudflats
- mudguard, mudguards
- mudslide
- mudslinging
- muezzin, muezzins
- muff
- muff, muffs, muffing, muffed
- muffin
- muffin, muffins
- muffle
- muffle, muffles, muffling, muffled
- muffled
- muffler
- muffler, mufflers
- mug
- mug, mugs, mugging, mugged
- mugger
- mugger, muggers
- mugging
- muggy
- Muhammad
- Muhammadan, Muhammadans
- mulatto
- mulberry, mulberries
- mulch
- mulch, mulches, mulching, mulched
- mule
- mule, mules
- mull
- mull, mulls, mulling, mulled
- mullah, mullahs
- multicultural
- multilateral
- multimedia
- multimillionaire
- multi-millionaire, multi-millionaires
- multiple sclerosis
- multiple
- multiple, multiples
- multiple-choice
- multiplex
- multiplication
- multiplicity
- multiply
- multiply, multiplies, multiplying, multiplied
- multitude
- multitude, multitudes
- mum, mums
- mumble
- mumble, mumbles, mumbling, mumbled
- mumbo jumbo
- mummify
- mummify, mummifies, mummifying, mummified
- mummy
- mummy, mummies
- mumps
- munch
- munch, munches, munching, munched
- munchies
- mundane
- municipal
- municipality
- municipality, municipalities
- munitions
- mural
- mural, murals
- murder
- murder, murders, murdering, murdered
- murderer
- murderer, murderers
- murderess, murderesses
- murderous
- murky
- murky, murkier, murkiest
- murmur
- murmur, murmurs, murmuring, murmured
- muscle
- muscle, muscles, muscling, muscled
- muscular
- muse
- muse, muses, musing, mused
- museum
- museum, museums
- mush
- mush, mushes
- mushroom
- mushroom, mushrooms, mushrooming, mushroomed
- mushy
- music
- musical
- musical, musicals
- musician
- musician, musicians
- musing
- musk
- musket
- musket, muskets
- Muslim
- Muslim, Muslims
- muss
- mussel
- mussel, mussels
- must
- mustache
- mustang
- mustard
- muster
- muster, musters, mustering, mustered
- mustn't
- musty
- musty, mustier, mustiest
- mutability
- mutable
- mutant
- mutant, mutants
- mutate
- mutate, mutates, mutating, mutated
- mutation
- mutation, mutations
- mute
- mute, mutes, muting, muted
- muted
- mutely
- mutilate
- mutilate, mutilates, mutilating, mutilated
- mutilation
- mutilation, mutilations
- mutineer, mutineers
- mutinous
- mutiny
- mutiny, mutinies, mutinying, mutinied
- mutt
- mutt, mutts
- mutter
- mutter, mutters, muttering, muttered
- mutton
- mutual fund
- mutual
- mutually
- Muzak
- muzzle
- muzzle, muzzles, muzzling, muzzled
- my
- myopic
- myriad
- myriad, myriads
- myself
- mysterious
- mysteriously
- mystery
- mystery, mysteries
- mystic
- mystic, mystics
- mystical
- mysticism
- mystify
- mystify, mystifies, mystifying, mystified
- mystifying
- mystique
- myth
- myth, myths
- mythical
- mythological
- mythology