Wikcionário:Entradas requisitadas/en/A-a
Esta lista é baseada em diversas fontes e não se refere a nenhum dicionário específico.
- a la carte
- a la mode
- A.D.
- A.M.
- aback
- abacus, abacuses
- abandon, abandons, abandoning, abandoned
- abandoned
- abandonment
- abase, abases, abasing, abased
- abashed
- abate, abates, abating, abated
- abbess, abbesses
- abbey, abbeys
- abbot, abbots
- abbr.
- abbreviate, abbreviates, abbreviating, abbreviated
- abbreviation, abbreviations
- ABC's
- abdicate
- abdicate, abdicates, abdicating, abdicated
- abdication
- abdomen, abdomens
- abdominal
- abduct, abducts, abducting, abducted
- abduction
- aberration, aberrations
- abet, abets, abetting, abetted
- abhor, abhors, abhorring, abhorred
- abhorrence
- abhorrent
- abide, abode, abided, abides, abiding
- ability, abilities
- abject
- abjure, abjures, abjuring, abjured
- ablaze
- able, abler, ablest
- able-bodied
- ably
- abnormal
- abnormality, abnormalities
- abnormally
- aboard
- abode, abodes
- abolish, abolishes, abolishing, abolished
- abolition
- abolitionist, abolitionists
- A-bomb, A-bombs
- abominate, abominates, abominating, abominated
- abomination, abominations
- aboriginal
- aborigine, aborigines
- abort, aborts, aborting, aborted
- abortion, abortions
- abortionist, abortionists
- abortive
- abound, abounds, abounding, abounded
- about
- about-face
- about-turn, about-turns
- above
- aboveboard
- abrasion, abrasions
- abrasive, abrasives
- abrasively
- abreast
- abridge, abridges, abridging, abridged
- abroad
- abrogate, abrogates, abrogating, abrogated
- abrupt
- abruptly
- abruptness
- abscess, abscesses
- abscond, absconds, absconding, absconded
- abseil, abseils, abseiling, abseiled
- absence, absences
- absent, absents, absenting, absented
- absentee, absentees
- absenteeism
- absently
- absent-minded
- absent-mindedly
- absent-mindedness
- absolute, absolutes
- absolutely
- absolve, absolves, absolving, absolved
- absorb, absorbs, absorbing, absorbed
- absorbed
- absorbent
- absorbing
- absorption
- abstain, abstains, abstaining, abstained
- abstention, abstentions
- abstinence
- abstinent
- abstract, abstracts, abstracting, abstracted
- abstraction, abstractions
- absurd
- absurdity
- absurdly
- abundance
- abundant
- abundantly
- abuse, abuses, abusing, abused
- abusive
- abut, abuts, abutting, abutted
- abysmal
- abysmally
- abyss
- abyss, abysses
- AC
- acacia, acacias
- academic, academics
- academically
- academy, academies
- accede, accedes, acceding, acceded
- accelerate, accelerates, accelerating, accelerated
- acceleration, accelerations
- accelerator, accelerators
- accent, accents, accenting, accented
- accented
- accentuate, accentuates, accentuating, accentuated
- accept, accepts, accepting, accepted
- acceptability
- acceptable
- acceptably
- acceptance, acceptances
- accepted
- access, accesses, accessing, accessed
- accessibility
- accessible
- accessory, accessories
- accident, accidents
- accidental
- accidentally
- accident-prone
- acclaim, acclaims, acclaiming, acclaimed
- acclimate
- acclimation
- acclimatize, acclimatizes, acclimatizing, acclimatized
- accolade, accolades
- accommodate, accommodates, accommodating, accommodated
- accommodating
- accommodation, accommodations
- accompaniment, accompaniments
- accompanist, accompanists
- accompany, accompanies, accompanying, accompanied
- accomplice, accomplices
- accomplish, accomplishes, accomplishing, accomplished
- accomplishment, accomplishments
- accord, accords, according, accorded
- accordance
- according to
- accordingly
- accordion, accordions
- accost, accosts, accosting, accosted
- account, accounts, accounting, accounted
- accountability
- accountable
- accountant, accountants
- accounting
- accredit, accredits, accrediting, accredited
- accreditation
- accredited
- accretion, accretions
- accrue, accrues, accruing, accrued
- accumulate, accumulates, accumulating, accumulated
- accumulation, accumulations
- accuracy
- accurate
- accurately
- accusation, accusations
- accuse, accuses, accusing, accused
- accuser, accusers
- accusing
- accusingly
- accustom, accustoms, accustoming, accustomed
- ace, aces
- acerbic
- ache, aches, aching, ached
- achieve, achieves, achieving, achieved
- achievement, achievements
- achiever
- Achilles' heel
- achy
- acid rain
- acid, acids
- acidic
- acidity
- acknowledge, acknowledges, acknowledging, acknowledged
- acknowledgement, acknowledgements
- acne
- acolyte, acolytes
- acorn, acorns
- acoustic, acoustics
- acquaint, acquaints, acquainting, acquainted
- acquaintance, acquaintances
- acquiesce, acquiesces, acquiescing, acquiesced
- acquiescence
- acquire, acquires, acquiring, acquired
- acquisition, acquisitions
- acquit, acquits, acquitting, acquitted
- acquittal, acquittals
- acre, acres
- acrid
- acrimonious
- acrimony
- acrobat, acrobats
- acrobatic, acrobatics
- acronym, acronyms
- across from
- across
- across-the-board
- acrostic, acrostics
- acrylic, acrylics
- act, acts, acting, acted
- action, actions
- activate, activates, activating, activated
- activation
- active
- activism
- activist, activists
- activity, activities
- actor, actors
- actress, actresses
- actualization
- actually
- actuary, actuaries
- actuate, actuates, actuating, actuated
- acumen
- acupuncture
- acute angle
- acute
- acutely
- ad hoc
- ad lib
- ad, ads
- adage
- adamant
- adamantly
- Adam's apple
- adapt, adapts, adapting, adapted
- adaptable
- adaptation, adaptations
- adapter
- adaptor, adaptors
- add, adds, adding, added
- addendum, addenda
- adder, adders
- addict, addicts
- addicted
- addiction, addictions
- addictive
- addition, additions
- additional
- additionally
- additive, additives
- addle, addles, addling, addled
- address, addresses, addressing, addressed
- addressee, addressees
- adduce, adduces, adducing, adduced
- adept, adepts
- adeptly
- adequacy
- adequate
- adequately
- adhere, adheres, adhering, adhered
- adherence
- adherent
- adherent, adherents
- adhesion
- adhesive
- adhesive, adhesives
- adieu, adieux, adieus
- adjacent
- adjectival
- adjective
- adjective, adjectives
- adjoin
- adjoin, adjoins, adjoining, adjoined
- adjoining
- adjourn
- adjourn, adjourns, adjourning, adjourned
- adjournment
- adjournment, adjournments
- adjudge, adjudges, adjudging, adjudged
- adjudicate
- adjudicate, adjudicates, adjudicating, adjudicated
- adjudicator
- adjudicator, adjudicators
- adjunct
- adjunct, adjuncts
- adjure, adjures, adjuring, adjured
- adjust
- adjust, adjusts, adjusting, adjusted
- adjustable
- adjustment
- adjustment, adjustments
- adjutant, adjutants
- ad-lib
- ad-lib, ad-libs, ad-libbing, ad-libbed
- administer
- administer, administers, administering, administered
- administration
- administration, administrations
- administrative
- administrator
- administrator, administrators
- admirable
- admirably
- admiral
- admiral, admirals
- admiration
- admire
- admire, admires, admiring, admired
- admirer
- admirer, admirers
- admiring
- admiringly
- admissible
- admission
- admission, admissions
- admit
- admit, admits, admitting, admitted
- admittance
- admittedly
- admonish
- admonish, admonishes, admonishing, admonished
- admonition, admonitions
- adobe
- adolescence
- adolescent, adolescents
- adopt, adopts, adopting, adopted
- adoption
- adoptive
- adorable
- adoration
- adore, adores, adoring, adored
- adorn, adorns, adorning, adorned
- adornment, adornments
- adrenaline
- adrift
- adroit
- adroitly
- adulation
- adult, adults
- adulterate, adulterates, adulterating, adulterated
- adulteration
- adulterer, adulterers
- adulteress, adulteresses
- adultery, adulteries
- advance, advances, advancing, advanced
- advancement
- advantage, advantages
- advantageous
- advent
- adventure, adventures
- adventurer, adventurers
- adventurous
- adverb, adverbs
- adverbial
- adversary, adversaries
- adverse
- adversely
- adversity, adversities
- advert, adverts
- advertise, advertises, advertising, advertised
- advertisement, advertisements
- advertiser, advertisers
- advertising
- advice
- advisable
- advise, advises, advising, advised
- adviser, advisers
- advisory
- advocacy
- advocate, advocates, advocating, advocated
- adze, adzes
- aeon, aeons
- aerate, aerates, aerating, aerated
- aerial
- aerial, aerials
- aerobic, aerobics
- aerodrome, aerodromes
- aerodynamic, aerodynamics
- aeroplane, aeroplanes
- aerosol, aerosols
- aerospace
- aesthete, aesthetes
- aesthetic, aesthetics
- aesthetically
- afar
- affable
- affably
- affair, affairs
- affairs
- affect, affects, affecting, affected
- affectation
- affectation, affectations
- affected
- affection, affections
- affectionate
- affectionately
- affidavit, affidavits
- affiliate, affiliates, affiliating, affiliated
- affiliation, affiliations
- affinity, affinities
- affirm, affirms, affirming, affirmed
- affirmation, affirmations
- affirmative action
- affirmative, affirmatives
- affirmatively
- affix, affixes, affixing, affixed
- afflict, afflicts, afflicting, afflicted
- affliction, afflictions
- affluence
- affluent
- afford, affords, affording, afforded
- affordable
- affray, affrays
- affront, affronts, affronting, affronted
- Afghan, Afghans
- afloat
- afraid
- afresh
- Africa
- African, Africans
- African-American
- Afrikaner, Afrikaners
- Afro, Afros
- after, afters
- aftereffect
- after-effect, after-effects
- afterlife
- aftermath
- afternoon, afternoons
- aftershave
- aftershock
- aftertaste, aftertastes
- afterthought
- afterthought, afterthoughts
- afterward, afterwards
- again
- against
- agate, agates
- age, ages, ageing, aged
- aged
- agency, agencies
- agenda, agendas
- agent, agents
- ages
- agglomeration, agglomerations
- aggravate, aggravates, aggravating, aggravated
- aggravation
- aggregate, aggregates, aggregating, aggregated
- aggression
- aggressive
- aggressively
- aggressiveness
- aggressor, aggressors
- aggrieved
- aghast
- agile
- agility
- aging
- agitate, agitates, agitating, agitated
- agitation
- agitator, agitators
- agnostic, agnostics
- agnosticism
- ago
- agonize, agonizes, agonizing, agonized
- agonized
- agonizing
- agonizingly
- agony
- agony, agonies
- agoraphobic, agoraphobics
- agree, agrees, agreeing, agreed
- agreeable
- agreeably
- agreed
- agreement, agreements
- agricultural
- agriculturalist, agriculturalists
- agriculture
- ah
- aha
- ahead
- aid, aids, aiding, aided
- aide, aides
- aide-de-camp, aides-de-camp
- ail, ails, ailing, ailed
- aileron, ailerons
- ailing
- ailment, ailments
- aim, aims, aiming, aimed
- aimless
- aimlessly
- ain't
- air bag
- air base
- air conditioner
- air conditioning
- air force
- air raid
- air time
- air traffic controller
- air, airs, airing, aired
- airbed, airbeds
- airborne
- airbrick, airbricks
- airbus, airbuses
- air-conditioner, air-conditioners
- aircraft carrier
- aircraft
- aircrew, aircrews
- airfare
- airfield, airfields
- airgun, airguns
- airily
- airing
- airlane, airlanes
- airless
- airletter, airletters
- airlift, airlifts, airlifting, airlifted
- airline, airlines
- airliner, airliners
- airlock, airlocks
- airmail
- airman, airmen
- airplane, airplanes
- airport, airports
- airs
- airship, airships
- airspace
- airspeed, airspeeds
- airstrike, airstrikes
- airstrip, airstrips
- airtight
- airwaves
- airway, airways
- airwoman, airwomen
- airy, airier, airiest
- aisle, aisles
- aitch, aitches
- ajar
- akin
- alarm clock
- alarm, alarms, alarming, alarmed
- alarmingly
- alarmist, alarmists
- alas
- Albanian, Albanians
- albatross, albatrosses
- albeit
- albino, albinos
- album, albums
- albumen, albumens
- alchemist, alchemists
- alcohol
- alcoholic, alcoholics
- alcoholism
- alcove, alcoves
- alder, alders
- alderman, aldermen
- alderwoman
- ale, ales
- alert, alerts, alerting, alerted
- alfalfa
- algae
- algebra
- algebraic
- Algerian, Algerians
- algorithm, algorithms
- alias, aliases
- alibi, alibis
- alien, aliens
- alienate
- alienate, alienates, alienating, alienated
- alienation
- alight, alights, alighting, alighted, alit
- align, aligns, aligning, aligned
- alignment, alignments
- alike
- alimony
- alive
- alkali, alkalis
- alkaline
- all right
- all
- Allah
- all-American
- all-around
- allay
- allay, allays, allaying, allayed
- all-clear
- allegation, allegations
- allege, alleges, alleging, alleged
- allegedly
- allegiance, allegiances
- allegorical
- allegory, allegories
- allergic
- allergy, allergies
- alleviate, alleviates, alleviating, alleviated
- alleviation
- alley, alleys
- alleyway, alleyways
- alliance, alliances
- allied
- alligator, alligators
- all-inclusive
- allocate, allocates, allocating, allocated
- allocation, allocations
- allot, allots, allotting, allotted
- allotment, allotments
- all-out
- allow, allows, allowing, allowed
- allowable
- allowance, allowances
- alloy, alloys
- all-rounder, all-rounders.
- all-star
- allude, alludes, alluding, alluded
- allure
- alluring
- allusion, allusions
- ally, allies, allying, allied
- alma mater
- almanac, almanacs
- almighty
- almond, almonds
- almost
- alms
- almshouse, almshouses
- aloft
- aloha
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloof
- aloud
- alpha, alphas
- alphabet, alphabets
- alphabetical
- alphabetically
- alpine, alpines
- already
- alright
- Alsatian, Alsatians
- also
- also-ran, also-rans
- altar, altars
- alter, alters, altering, altered
- alteration
- alteration, alterations
- altercation, altercations
- alternate, alternates, alternating, alternated
- alternately
- alternation
- alternative, alternatives
- alternatively
- alternator, alternators
- although
- altimeter, altimeters
- altitude
- altitude, altitudes
- alto, altos
- altogether
- altruism
- altruistic
- aluminum
- alumna, alumnae
- alumnus, alumni
- always
- AM
- am
- amalgam, amalgams
- amalgamate, amalgamates, amalgamating, amalgamated
- amalgamation
- amanuensis, amanuenses
- amass, amasses, amassing, amassed
- amateur, amateurs
- amateurish
- amaze, amazes, amazing, amazed
- amazement
- amazingly
- ambassador, ambassadors
- ambassadorial
- amber
- ambiance
- ambidextrous
- ambiguity, ambiguities
- ambiguous
- ambiguously
- ambition, ambitions
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- ambivalence
- ambivalent
- amble, ambles, ambling, ambled
- ambulance, ambulances
- ambulanceman, ambulancemen
- ambush, ambushes, ambushing, ambushed
- ameliorate, ameliorates, ameliorating, ameliorated
- amelioration
- amen
- amenable
- amend
- amend, amends, amending, amended
- amendment, amendments
- amends
- amenity, amenities
- America
- American dream
- American Indian
- American, Americans
- Americana
- Americanism
- Americanism, Americanisms
- Americanize, Americanizes, Americanizing, Americanized
- amethyst, amethysts
- amiable
- amiably
- amicable
- amicably
- amid
- amidst
- amiss
- ammo
- ammonia
- ammunition
- amnesia
- amnesiac
- amnesty
- amnesty, amnesties
- amoeba, amoebas, amoebae
- amok
- among
- amongst
- amoral
- amorous
- amorphous
- amount, amounts, amounting, amounted
- amour, amours
- amp, amps
- ampere, amperes
- amphetamine, amphetamines
- amphibian, amphibians
- amphibious
- amphitheatre, amphitheatres
- ample
- amplification
- amplifier, amplifiers
- amplify
- amplify, amplifies, amplifying, amplified
- amply
- ampoule, ampoules
- amputate, amputates, amputating, amputated
- amputation
- amputee
- amulet, amulets
- amuse, amuses, amusing, amused
- amusement park
- amusement, amusements
- an
- anachronism
- anachronism, anachronisms
- anachronistic
- anaesthetic, anaesthetics
- anaesthetist, anaesthetists
- anaesthetize, anaesthetizes, anaesthetizing, anaesthetized
- anagram, anagrams
- anal
- analgesic, analgesics
- analogous
- analogue, analogues
- analogy, analogies
- analyse, analyses, analysing, analysed
- analysis, analyses
- analyst, analysts
- analytic
- analytic, analytical
- analyze
- anarchist, anarchists
- anarchy
- anatomical
- anatomist, anatomists
- anatomy, anatomies
- ancestor, ancestors
- ancestral
- ancestry, ancestries
- anchor, anchors, anchoring, anchored
- anchorage, anchorages
- anchorman
- anchorwoman
- anchovy, anchovies
- ancient, ancients
- and
- andante, andantes
- anecdotal
- anecdote, anecdotes
- anemia
- anemic
- anemone, anemones
- anesthesia
- anesthesiologist, anesthesiologists
- anesthetic, anesthetics
- anesthetist, anesthetists
- anesthetize, anesthetizes, anesthetizing, anesthetized
- anew
- angel
- angel, angels
- angelic
- angelically
- anger, angers, angering, angered
- angle, angles, angling, angled
- angler
- angler, anglers
- Anglican
- anglicize, anglicizes, anglicizing, anglicized
- angling
- Anglo
- Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxons
- angrily
- angry, angrier, angriest
- angst
- anguish
- anguished
- angular
- animal, animals
- animate, animates, animating, animated
- animation
- animator, animators
- animosity, animosities
- ankle, ankles
- annals
- annex, annexes, annexing, annexed
- annexation
- annihilate, annihilates, annihilating, annihilated
- annihilation
- anniversary, anniversaries
- annotate, annotates, annotating, annotated
- annotation, annotations
- announce, announces, announcing, announced
- announcement, announcements
- announcer, announcers
- annoy, annoys, annoying, annoyed
- annoyance, annoyances
- annoyed
- annoying
- annual, annuals
- annually
- annuity, annuities
- annul, annuls, annulling, annulled
- annulment
- anode, anodes
- anodyne, anodynes
- anoint, anoints, anointing, anointed
- anomalous
- anomaly, anomalies
- anonymity
- anonymous
- anonymously
- anorak, anoraks
- anorexia
- anorexic
- another
- answer, answers, answering, answered
- answerable
- answering machine
- ant, ants
- antacid
- antagonism
- antagonist, antagonists
- antagonistic
- antagonistically
- antagonize, antagonizes, antagonizing, antagonized
- Antarctic
- Antarctica
- ante
- ant-eater, ant-eaters
- antebellum
- antecedent, antecedents
- antechamber, antechambers
- antedate, antedates, antedating, antedated
- antelope, antelopes
- antenatal, antenatals
- antenna, antennae, antennas
- anteroom, anterooms
- anthem, anthems
- anthill
- anthology
- anthology, anthologies
- anthropoid, anthropoids
- anthropological
- anthropologist
- anthropology
- antibiotic, antibiotics
- antibody, antibodies
- anticipate, anticipates, anticipating, anticipated
- anticipation
- anticlimactic
- anticlimax, anticlimaxes
- antics
- anticyclone, anticyclones
- antidote, antidotes
- antifreeze
- antigen, antigens
- antihero, antiheroes
- antihistamine, antihistamines
- antimacassar, antimacassars
- antipathy, antipathies
- antiperspirant
- antiquarian, antiquarians
- antiquary, antiquaries
- antiquated
- antique, antiques
- antiquity, antiquities
- anti-Semite, anti-Semites
- anti-Semitic
- anti-Semitism
- antiseptic, antiseptics
- antisocial
- antithesis, antitheses
- antitoxin, antitoxins
- antitrust
- antler
- antler, antlers
- antonym, antonyms
- anus, anuses
- anvil, anvils
- anxiety, anxieties
- anxious
- anxiously
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anymore
- anyone
- anyplace
- anything
- anytime
- anyway
- anywhere
- aorta, aortas
- apart from
- apart
- apartheid
- apartment building
- apartment, apartments
- apathetic
- apathy
- ape, apes, aping, aped
- aperitif, aperitifs
- aperture, apertures
- apex, apexes
- aphid, aphids
- aphorism, aphorisms
- aphrodisiac, aphrodisiacs
- apiece
- aplomb
- apocalypse
- apocalyptic
- apolitical
- apologetic
- apologetically
- apologia, apologias
- apologist, apologists
- apologize, apologizes, apologizing, apologized
- apology, apologies
- apoplectic
- apoplexy
- apostate, apostates
- apostle
- apostle, apostles
- apostolic
- apostrophe, apostrophes
- apothecary, apothecaries
- apotheosis, apotheoses
- appal, appals, appalling, appalled
- appalling
- appallingly
- apparatus
- apparatus, apparatuses
- apparel
- apparent
- apparently
- apparition, apparitions
- appeal, appeals, appealing, appealed
- appealing
- appear, appears, appearing, appeared
- appearance, appearances
- appease, appeases, appeasing, appeased
- appeasement
- appellation, appellations
- append, appends, appending, appended
- appendage
- appendage, appendages
- appendicitis
- appendix, appendices, appendixes
- appertain, appertains, appertaining, appertained
- appetite, appetites
- appetizer, appetizers
- appetizing
- applaud, applauds, applauding, applauded
- applause
- apple cider
- apple, apples
- applesauce
- appliance, appliances
- applicable
- applicant, applicants
- application, applications
- applicator
- applied
- apply
- apply, applies, applying, applied
- appoint, appoints, appointing, appointed
- appointee, appointees
- appointment, appointments
- apportion, apportions, apportioning, apportioned
- appraisal, appraisals
- appraise, appraises, appraising, appraised
- appreciable
- appreciate, appreciates, appreciating, appreciated
- appreciation, appreciations
- appreciative
- appreciatively
- apprehend, apprehends, apprehending, apprehended
- apprehension, apprehensions
- apprehensive
- apprentice, apprentices, apprenticing, apprenticed
- apprenticeship, apprenticeships
- apprise, apprises, apprising, apprised
- approach, approaches, approaching, approached
- approachable
- approbation
- appropriate, appropriates, appropriating, appropriated
- appropriately
- appropriation, appropriations
- approval
- approve, approves, approving, approved
- approving
- approvingly
- approx.
- approximate, approximates, approximating, approximated
- approximately
- approximation, approximations
- Apr.
- apricot, apricots
- April Fools' Day
- April
- apron, aprons
- apt.
- apt
- aptitude test
- aptitude, aptitudes
- aptly
- aqualung, aqualungs
- aquamarine, aquamarines
- aquaria
- aquarium, aquaria, aquariums
- Aquarius
- aquatic
- aqueduct, aqueducts
- Arab
- Arab, Arabs
- arabesque, arabesques
- Arabic
- arable
- arbiter, arbiters
- arbitrarily
- arbitrary
- arbitrate, arbitrates, arbitrating, arbitrated
- arbitration
- arbitrator, arbitrators
- arbour, arbours
- arc, arcs, arcing, arced
- arcade, arcades
- arch, arches, arching, arched
- archaeological
- archaeologist
- archaeology
- archaic
- archangel, archangels
- archbishop, archbishops
- archdeacon, archdeacons
- archdiocese, archdioceses
- arched
- archer, archers
- archetype, archetypes
- archipelago, archipelagos
- architect, architects
- architectural
- architecture
- archive, archives
- archives
- archivist, archivists
- archway, archways
- Arctic Circle
- Arctic
- arctic
- ardent
- ardently
- ardor
- arduous
- are
- area code
- area, areas
- arena, arenas
- aren't
- Argentinian, Argentinians
- argot, argots
- arguable
- arguably
- argue, argues, arguing, argued
- argument, arguments
- argumentative
- aria, arias
- arid
- Aries
- arise, arises, arising, arose, arisen
- arisen
- aristocracy, aristocracies
- aristocrat, aristocrats
- aristocratic
- arithmetic
- arm, arms, arming, armed
- armada, armadas
- armadillo, armadillos
- armament, armaments
- armaments
- armband, armbands
- armchair, armchairs
- armed forces
- armed
- armful, armfuls
- armhole, armholes
- armistice, armistices
- armor
- armored
- armory
- armourer, armourers
- armoury, armouries
- armpit, armpits
- arms
- army
- army, armies
- aroma, aromas
- aromatic
- arose
- around
- around-the-clock
- arousal
- arouse, arouses, arousing, aroused
- arraign, arraigns, arraigning, arraigned
- arraignment
- arrange, arranges, arranging, arranged
- arrangement, arrangements
- array, arrays, arraying, arrayed
- arrears
- arrest, arrests, arresting, arrested
- arrival, arrivals
- arrive, arrives, arriving, arrived
- arrogance
- arrogant
- arrogantly
- arrogate, arrogates, arrogating, arrogated
- arrow, arrows
- arrowhead, arrowheads
- arse, arses, arsing, arsed
- arsehole, arseholes
- arsenal, arsenals
- arsenic
- arson
- arsonist
- art
- art, arts
- artefact, artefacts
- arterial
- artery, arteries
- arthritic, arthritics
- arthritis
- artichoke, artichokes
- article, articles
- articulate, articulates, articulating, articulated
- articulately
- articulation, articulations
- artifact
- artifice, artifices
- artificial insemination
- artificial intelligence
- artificial respiration
- artificial
- artificially
- artillery
- artisan, artisans
- artist, artists
- artiste, artistes
- artistic
- artistically
- artistry
- arts
- artsy
- artwork
- as
- asbestos
- ascend, ascends, ascending, ascended
- ascendancy
- ascending
- ascent
- ascent, ascents
- ascertain, ascertains, ascertaining, ascertained
- ascetic, ascetics
- ascribe
- ascribe, ascribes, ascribing, ascribed
- asexual
- ash, ashes
- ashamed
- ashcan, ashcans
- ashen
- ashes
- ashore
- ashtray
- ashtray, ashtrays
- Asia
- Asian, Asians
- Asian-American
- aside from
- aside
- aside, asides
- ask, asks, asking, asked
- askance
- askew
- asleep
- asparagus
- aspect
- aspect, aspects
- aspen, aspens
- aspersion
- asphalt, asphalts, asphalting, asphalted
- asphyxiate
- asphyxiate, asphyxiates, asphyxiating, asphyxiated
- asphyxiation
- aspirant, aspirants
- aspirate, aspirates, aspirating, aspirated
- aspiration
- aspiration, aspirations
- aspire, aspires, aspiring, aspired
- aspirin, aspirins
- aspiring
- ass, asses
- assail, assails, assailing, assailed
- assailant, assailants
- assassin, assassins
- assassinate, assassinates, assassinating, assassinated
- assassination
- assault, assaults, assaulting, assaulted
- assay, assays, assaying, assayed
- assemblage, assemblages
- assemble, assembles, assembling, assembled
- assembly line
- assembly
- assembly, assemblies
- assemblyman
- assemblywoman
- assent, assents, assenting, assented
- assert, asserts, asserting, asserted
- assertion
- assertive
- assertively
- assertiveness
- assess, assesses, assessing, assessed
- assessment, assessments
- assessor, assessors
- asset, assets
- asshole
- assign, assigns, assigning, assigned
- assignation, assignations
- assignment
- assignment, assignments
- assimilate
- assimilate, assimilates, assimilating, assimilated
- assimilation
- assist, assists, assisting, assisted
- assistance
- assistant professor
- assistant
- assistant, assistants
- assn.
- assoc.
- associate degree
- associate professor
- associate, associates, associating, associated
- association
- association, associations
- assorted
- assortment
- assortment, assortments
- asst.
- assuage, assuages, assuaging, assuaged
- assume
- assume, assumes, assuming, assumed
- assumption, assumptions
- assurance, assurances
- assure, assures, assuring, assured
- assured
- assuredly
- aster, asters
- asterisk, asterisks, asterisking, asterisked
- asteroid, asteroids
- asthma
- asthmatic, asthmatics
- astonish, astonishes, astonishing, astonished
- astonished
- astonishing
- astonishingly
- astonishment
- astound, astounds, astounding, astounded
- astounding
- astray
- astride
- astringent, astringents
- astrologer, astrologers
- astrological
- astrology
- astronaut, astronauts
- astronomer, astronomers
- astronomical
- astronomy
- astute
- astutely
- asylum, asylums
- at
- ate
- atheism
- atheist, atheists
- athlete, athletes
- athlete's foot
- athletic, athletics
- athletics
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantic
- atlas, atlases
- atmosphere, atmospheres
- atmospheric
- atoll, atolls
- atom, atoms
- atomic bomb
- atomic energy
- atomic
- atomize, atomizes, atomizing, atomized
- atomizer, atomizers
- atone, atones, atoning, atoned
- atonement
- atrocious
- atrociously
- atrocity, atrocities
- atrophy, atrophies, atrophying, atrophied
- attach, attaches, attaching, attached
- attache case
- attache, attaches
- attached
- attachment, attachments
- attack, attacks, attacking, attacked
- attacker
- attain, attains, attaining, attained
- attainable
- attainment
- attainment, attainments
- attempt, attempts, attempting, attempted
- attend, attends, attending, attended
- attendance, attendances
- attendant, attendants
- attention, attentions
- attentive
- attentively
- attenuate, attenuates, attenuating, attenuated
- attest, attests, attesting, attested
- attestation, attestations
- attic, attics
- attire
- attitude, attitudes
- attorney general
- attorney, attorneys
- attract, attracts, attracting, attracted
- attraction, attractions
- attractive
- attractively
- attractiveness
- attributable
- attribute, attributes, attributing, attributed
- attribution
- attuned
- atty.
- aubergine, aubergines
- auburn
- auction, auctions, auctioning, auctioned
- auctioneer, auctioneers
- audacious
- audacity
- audible
- audibly
- audience, audiences
- audio
- audio-typist, audio-typists
- audiovisual
- audit, audits, auditing, audited
- audition, auditions, auditioning, auditioned
- auditor, auditors
- auditorium, auditoriums, auditoria
- Aug.
- augment, augments, augmenting, augmented
- augur, augurs, auguring, augured
- augury, auguries
- August
- auk, auks
- aunt, aunts
- auntie, aunties
- aura, auras
- aural
- auspices
- auspicious
- austere
- austerity
- austerity, austerities
- Australia
- Australian, Australians
- Austrian, Austrians
- autarchy, autarchies
- authentic
- authentically
- authenticate, authenticates, authenticating, authenticated
- authenticity
- author, authors, authoring, authored
- authoress, authoresses
- authoritarian, authoritarians
- authoritative
- authoritatively
- authority, authorities
- authorization, authorizations
- authorize, authorizes, authorizing, authorized
- authorship
- autistic
- auto, autos
- autobahn, autobahns
- autobiographical
- autobiography, autobiographies
- autocracy, autocracies
- autocrat, autocrats
- autocratic
- autocue, autocues
- autograph, autographs, autographing, autographed
- automat, automats
- automate, automates, automating, automated
- automatic, automatics
- automatically
- automation
- automaton, automatons, automata
- automobile, automobiles
- automotive
- autonomous
- autonomously
- autonomy
- autopsy
- autopsy, autopsies
- autoworker
- autumn, autumns
- autumnal
- auxiliary, auxiliaries
- AV
- avail
- avail, avails, availing, availed
- availability
- available
- avalanche
- avalanche, avalanches
- avant-garde
- avarice
- avaricious
- Ave.
- avenge
- avenge, avenges, avenging, avenged
- avenue
- avenue, avenues
- aver, avers, averring, averred
- average
- average, averages, averaging, averaged
- averse
- aversion
- aversion, aversions
- avert
- avert, averts, averting, averted
- aviary, aviaries
- aviation
- aviator
- aviator, aviators
- avid
- avidly
- avocado
- avocado, avocados
- avocet, avocets
- avoid
- avoid, avoids, avoiding, avoided
- avoidable
- avoidance
- avow, avows, avowing, avowed
- avowal, avowals
- avowed
- aw
- await
- await, awaits, awaiting, awaited
- awake, awakes, awaking, awoke, awoken
- awaken, awakens, awakening, awakened
- awakening, awakenings
- award, awards, awarding, awarded
- aware
- awareness
- awash
- away
- awe, awes, awed
- awe-inspiring
- awesome
- awful
- awfully
- awhile
- awkward
- awkwardly
- awkwardness
- awning, awnings
- awoke
- awoken
- awry
- ax
- axe, axes, axing, axed
- axes
- axiom, axioms
- axiomatic
- axis, axes
- axle, axles
- aye, ayes