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Bot do [[Usuário:Malafaya]]
usernames['wiktionary']['af'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ang'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['an'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ar'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ast'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ay'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['az'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['be'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['bs'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['br'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['bg'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ca'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['co'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['cs'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['csb'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['cy'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['da'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['de'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['et'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['el'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['es'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['eo'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['en'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['eu'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['fa'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['fi'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['fo'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['fr'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['fy'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ga'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['gv'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['gl'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['gu'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ka'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['kl'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['kn'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ko'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['hi'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['hr'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['hsb'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['hy'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['id'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['io'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['is'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['it'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['iu'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['kk'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ku'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['kw'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ky'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['lo'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['la'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['lb'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ln'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['lt'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['li'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['lv'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['hu'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['mg'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ml'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['mk'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['mn'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ms'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['my'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['na'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['nah'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['nds'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['nl'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ja'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['no'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['oc'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['om'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['pl'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['pt'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ro'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['roa-rup'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ru'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['scn'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['sh'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['si'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['sk'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['sl'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['sq'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['sr'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['su'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['sv'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['tl'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ta'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['tg'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['th'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['tk'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['tpi'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['tr'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['tt'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['ug'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['uk'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['uz'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['vi'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['vo'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['wa'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['za'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['zh'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['zh-min-nan'] = 'Malafaya'
usernames['wiktionary']['zu'] = 'Malafaya'
<source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import wikipedia
import sys
import re
import socket
import pywikibot
import codecs
import query
site = None
reparsedtext = re.compile(r'<p>(.*)</p>')
# Log bot warnings
def log(message):
page = wikipedia.Page(site, u"Usuário:MalafayaBot/Log")
if page.exists():
text = page.get()
text = ''
text += u"\r\n* ~~~~~: " + message
page.put(text, "Mensagem de log do bot")
# Gets the base language category for a language code
def getLangCat(langcode):
params = {
'action': 'parse',
'text' : u'{{nome categoria|%s}}' % langcode,
'prop' : 'text',
datas = query.GetData(params, site)
mo = reparsedtext.match(data)
def createFLentry(transl, langcode, pos, title, gloss):
# Build a page
page = wikipedia.Page(site, transl)
if page.exists():
if page.isRedirectPage():
wikipedia.output(u"Page '%s' is redirect. Skipping" % transl)
log(u"Tentativa de criação de entrada da língua '''%s''' sobre redirecionamento \"%s\"" %
(langcode, transl))
return True # meaning there is a page there now
if not page.isEmpty():
wikipedia.output(u"Page '%s' already has contents. Skipping" % transl)
return True # meaning there is a page there now
# check language section later ...
# Decap gloss (some people insist on capitalizing it, which is wrong) this is almost always right:
gl = gloss.lower()
if "translation" in gl:
log("word 'translation' in gloss, skipped")
return False
if gl[1:] != gloss[1:]: gl = gloss # caps in string after first, so probably okay
langcat = getLangCat(langcode)
wikipedia.output(u"Language category returned is %s" % langcat)
# Check if base language category exists (we don't want to add words for languages that are not yet cataloged or whose name is not well specified)
langCatPage = wikipedia.Page(site, u"Categoria:%s" % langcat)
if not langCatPage.exists():
wikipedia.output(u"Base language category 'Categoria:%s' does not yet exist" % langcat)
log(u"Categoria base para língua '''%s''' com nome 'Categoria:%s' não existe. Entrada '%s' não adicionada" %
(langcode, langcat, transl))
return False
text = u"""={{-%s-}}=
# [[%s]]%s
[[Categoria:%s (%s)]]
if gl == '':
text = text % (langcode, pos, transl, title, '', title, langcode, pos, langcat)
text = text % (langcode, pos, transl, title, u' (' + gl + u')', title, langcode, pos, langcat)
page.put(text, comment = u"Criada automaticamente a partir das traduções em [[%s]]" % title, minorEdit = False)
except wikipedia.PageNotSaved:
print "Failed to save page"
return False
except socket.timeout:
print "Socket timeout, maybe not saving page"
return False
except socket.error:
print "Socket error, maybe not saving page"
return False
newCat = wikipedia.Page(site, u"Categoria:!Página automática (%s)" % langcat)
if not newCat.exists() or (not newCat.isRedirectPage() and newCat.isEmpty()):
# Create the auto pages category for this language
wikipedia.output(u"Creating auto page category for language '%s'" % langcode)
newCat.put(u"{{catpagautolíngua|%s}}" % langcode, u"Criada automaticamente")
return True
# Converts the Part of Speech to the AO1990
def convertOrtography(pos):
if pos == 'Adjectivo':
return 'Adjetivo'
return pos
def main():
global repact
pageToProcess = None
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg.startswith('-'):
print 'Arguments not supported yet'
else: pageToProcess = arg
# make sure we are logged in
site = wikipedia.getSite()
rehead = re.compile(r'={1,4}(.+?)={1,4}')
rehead2 = re.compile(r'={2}(.+?)={2}')
rehead3 = re.compile(r'={3}(.+?)={3}')
regloss = re.compile(r'\{\{tradini\|(.*?)}}')
retrans = re.compile(r'\*\s?\{\{trad\|(.*?)\|(.*?)}}')
retrans2 = re.compile(r'\*(.*?)\s?\{\{xlatio\|(.*?)\|(.*?)(\|.*)?}}')
retrans3 = re.compile(r'\*\s?\{\{trad-\|(.*?)\|(.*?)(\|.*)?}}')
reendtrans = re.compile(r'\{\{tradfim}}')
reglosstune = re.compile(r'(.*?)\((.*?)\)')
reglosstune2 = re.compile(r'(.*?):\s?(.*)')
partsOfSpeech = set(['Substantivo', 'Adjetivo', 'Adjectivo', 'Verbo', 'Pronome', 'Locução substantiva'])
stops = set([])
if (pageToProcess == None):
entry = site.randompage()
pageToProcess = entry.title()
entry = wikipedia.Page(site, pageToProcess)
wikipedia.output(u"Getting page '%s'" % entry.title())
if entry.namespace() != 0:
wikipedia.output(u"Not an article")
text = entry.get()
if not u'=Português=' in text and not u'={{pt}}=' in text and not u'={{-pt-}}=' in text and not u'= Português =' in text and not u'= {{pt}} =' in text and not u'= {{-pt-}} =' in text:
wikipedia.output(u'No appropriate PT language header')
""" if not u'==Tradução==' in text and not u'==Traduções==' in text and not u'=={{tradu}}==' in text:
wikipedia.output(u'No appropriate Tradução language header')
lines = text.splitlines()
intrans = False
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
mo = rehead.match(lines[i])
if mo:
header =
wikipedia.output(u'Current header: %s' % header)
if header == u"Tradução" or header == u'{{tradu}}' or header == u'Traduções':
if not (rehead3.match(lines[i])):
wikipedia.output(u'Header not on level 3: skipping')
intrans = True
gloss = ''
else: intrans = False
if header in partsOfSpeech and rehead2.match(lines[i]):
pos = convertOrtography(header)
wikipedia.output("PoS: %s" % pos)
if header in stops and rehead2.match(lines[i]): pos = ''
if not intrans: continue
mo = regloss.match(lines[i])
if mo:
gloss =
mo = reglosstune.match(gloss)
if mo:
gloss =
mo = reglosstune2.match(gloss)
if mo:
gloss =
wikipedia.output("Gloss: %s" % gloss)
# Try all the possible translation variants
transls = []
mo = retrans.match(lines[i])
if mo:
lang =
transls +='|')
mo = retrans2.match(lines[i])
if mo:
lang =
transls +='|')
mo = retrans3.match(lines[i])
if mo:
lang =
transls +='|')
if len(transls) == 0: continue
wikipedia.output(u"Found translations '%s' for language '%s'" % (transls, lang))
for transl in transls:
if len(transl) > 0:
createFLentry(transl, lang, pos, entry.title(), gloss)
wikipedia.output(u'Done %s' % pageToProcess);
if __name__ == "__main__":